First cab off the rank is the imposing Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought - the dreadnought that was designed by a committee it looks like (see below for more).
At only a few dollars more than the awful Contemptor dreadnought brought out for the Horus Heresy plastic range, this miniature actually offers weapons options, poseability and overall hobby value.
Next up are the (and it pains me to say it) AMAZING Primaris Reivers! These guys look so cool, and with a wealth of weapons options, plus dynamic posing, this seems like a great kit. Again not cheap.
Finally in miniature releases for next week, the Primaris Aggressors - the Terminators of the Primaris Space Marines. Who knew you could pay so much for 3 miniatures, but will a tonne of spare parts and a great look, these will surely be making their way into people's collection and clogging up Twitter with yet more boring photos of Primaris Space Marines.
With the bad news that the Indexes will be contradicted in parts by the Codexes, here's the first one - Codex Space Marines. Now this comes in regular, Collectors and Mortgage The Cat editions. As with more and more releases, there are also some Data Cards.
Away from miniatures, there are two novels - The Horusian Wars: Resurrection which revolves around the Inquisition (still think we're going to see plastic Inquisition models soon!) and Shrouded By Night which looks at some Chaos Marines doing spikey things who, if you look closely, seem like they are dressed in Primaris armour on the cover... hmmmmm!
++ More Thoughts On The 8th Edition Minis Below ++
Now this HAS to be the sexiest Bolter in the world (left). The Bolter Carbine, which seems to draw influence from the Puppets War Widowmakers, these are super cool and I MUST have them. Now a few interesting design elements on the Redemptor - have a look at the lower legs and the arms & hands - these are obviously HEAVILY influenced by the much-maligned Kastelan Robots - two of which are the same price as one of these! |