I've been a sci-fi fan for a very long time - and considering Star Wars was the first movie I saw at 3 - over 30 years! And why is sci-fi so cool? The gear! It's why Star Wars is so much cooler than Star Trek - better gear. So it's with much excitement that I finally find a weapon to put on my marines in WH40k I can entirely like - the Tigrus Pattern Bolter! |
But now Forge World have brought out a few different versions of the Bolter to tie the versions together in a timeline - pretty smart - and it was amongst these I saw it... the Tigrus Pattern Bolter.
Tigrus Pattern Bolter was first discovered in the depths of Forge World Tigrus and the STC data for it was quickly disseminated throughout the Imperium before the beginning of Horus Heresy. Tigrus is now lost, yet the bolters that bear its name, though no longer produced, continue to see service in the 41st Millennium.
Picture courtesy of this person | Picture courtesy of Forge World |
It's also the nice details like the shape of the spent shell ejector port, styled so they don't fly in the air, the straight carbine-like magazine - it's just cool!
Have you got a favourite sci-fi gun? Comment below and let us know!
Until then - it's off to shop for more...