Like every man and woman , we were pretty damn excited to see the new Goliath truck enter 40K. There's been rumours for years of a new wheeled vehicle (most often referred to as for Space Marines) so when this hit, all the rage directed at the Taurox, could be channeled to this cool new truck. Not only was it cool, it was also a transport and just happened to look pretty easy to use in other forces - again to replace the Taurox. The Goliath can be built in two configurations - the standard vanilla Goliath that acts as a troop transport and fire support and the Rockgrinder, which is more like an assault vehicle. |
Below you see the whole front of the Goliath - an excellent piece for the torso of a large robot BTW - and then the Rockgrinder dozer blade, another solid piece that can be easily painted separately.
The Goliath retails for $100 AUD - twice the price of the Taurox, Chimera and Rhino - and in a proxy form fulfills the same role in a non-Genestealer Cult army. I admit I was excited to get this and it's great looking, but for the price it's probably not something you would be using to transport a large force. This by the way precludes rules - I'm only talking from a model-in-the-army perspective.
The Taurox has been mentioned a lot here, mainly due to it's lack of acceptance in the community, but this would be a good replacement - IF you want to pay the price.