You may remember some time back the excitement raised when the 25th Anniversary HeroQuest came online to the world of Crowd Funding. It all ended badly, with a fight between rights holders, and when the legal eagles get involved, you know you're pretty stuffed! Well GameZone's 25th Anniversary HeroQuest is back this time on a different funding platform - but it's there and going gangbusters! They have already passed their goal and are moving into the stretch goals. |
GamesZone have kept it very simple - 3 levels/ 3 prices.
That being said, the third pricing level does include everything, so is far and away the best deal... hell you get all this:
We turn your shipping costs into a gift voucher that you will be able to redeem for goods. Thus, the shipping cost becomes a direct discount in your next purchase at the Heroquest online store, which will open on Christmas next year, and you will be able to redeem it from then on. This way you will convert a painful expense into something practical.
So there it is - a bit rich for my taste, having already spent quite a bit on Kickstarters this year.
But it's a great concept and definitely worth backing!