This guy was painted with a mix of GW paints, and that's the Death Guard Green for the base colour - I wonder if it's so perfect on purpose? He is also extensively weathered, with GW washes for rust and then 4B pencil for the paint ships. This heavily weathered look was inspired by MS 8th Team which takes place on earth and involves urban and jungle warfare - a perfect way to get paint chips! The rust is only in a few places as it seemed a bit heavy for the scale. Scale is a major problem I have with GW weathered vehicles. On something that scale you would be unlikely to see the heavy paint chipping or orange rust we're seeing in the current meta, but for something this scale (1/35 or larger) it would be more obvious. Anyway, that's just my theory. So very happy with this for a first go especially with it only take a couple day days to do.