He had ruled the galaxy for an Age. A cluster of heavily industrialised planets orbiting around a single sun. No one knew how old he was, no one had even seen his face in generations, but all knew that his love for them was without bounds. He had brought light to the darkness, crushed Xenos enemies and human raiders alike, all the while creating worlds that fed, clothed and armed the people to become a place of peace and harmony. Deep inside his mountain keep, the Master of Man held all his people close, for he knew what was out there, how even the slightest utterance from the Old World could see this all come crumbling down.
His father had told him, and his father who came before - a long line of succession dating back to a time when this whole system was abandoned, left to build their own world on the ruins of the old. But now, as his Astrodivinators had eagerly reported, the Old World had come back and Hierophant Keltis Crannax, Mortus Pultii of the Fluvian Cluster, Protector Ultimus, Master of Man would have to take his people to war.
All the bits are Games Workshop or Forge World, just purely for ease of access on the bitz market and the amount of plastic kits. The MKIII legs were a must (though MKII were tested) and the torsos from the Kharadron Grundstok Thunderers gave the bulked up look needed. Stormcast could have also worked, but as I wanted more steampunk than Fantasy, these were perfect. MKII Forge World arms and Kharadron forearms worked together quite well but not perfectly as did extra bits and pieces from the Grundstok Thunderers kit, including the guns which are cut down from their weapons and Tigrus Pattern Bolters. I even cut the toes off the Grundstok Thunderers to get away from the MKIII toes on the legs - this worked amazingly well. I tried a whole lot of heads from across the GW ranges, but the Mechanicum, heads were perfect, even if the goggled-head now doesn't really do it for me.
As much as the miniatures looked cool before painting, the colour scheme just really makes them pop. I had thought of a colour for unit markings, but i'm worried it will just ruin them as the bronze is so thematic.
Hope you like them - comments very welcome!