Exhibit A - Dark Angels. 'nuff said!
This week yet another Chapter falls to the Primaris scourge, in fact two - the venerable Iron Hands and the way-too-emo Raven Guard - with not only a Codex supplement for each, but also new plastic goodness!
Iron Hands were always a First Founding Chapter, all the way back in 1st Edition Rogue Trader and now you can field them in the new edition of 40K with either the Cold Dead Hands Collectors Edition or the Chrome and Cogs Standard Edition. Both supplements are 64 pages, so not huge, BUT they do have the rules in it for this guy - Iron Father Feirros - a mighty Techmarine with a tonne of gear strapped to his back. Amazing looking mini, probably a must-buy just for the bitz. The Iron Hands also get a new Primaris-flavoured Iron Hands Upgrade Sprue which includes decals and some Iron Hands Data Cards. No dice though, oddly!
In other noir-related news, those newly-named First Founding Raven Guard also have a new supplement. It comes in Daddy Doesn't Love Me Collectors Edition and But I Want To! Standard Edition. Raven Guard Chapter Master Kayvaan Shrike has also gone all Primaris-flavoured with his new mini, which come without alternative weapons or an alternative beaky helmet head - which seems a real shame. Feel like you need feathers on your army? Well let me introduce you to the Raven Guard Upgrade Sprue - everything has feathers, and if you like emo, well the heads come in My Chemical Romance flavour! In reality, if you've read the Horus Heresy books you know the Primarchs all had massive Daddy issues, so the Raven Guard are the perfect Space Marines. Oh and The Raven Guard don't get dice either, but they do get Data Cards.
In other Primaris news, the Eliminators can now be bought separately in what looks like a really nice kit with a nice selection of extra bitz. Not sure why they are drying their washing on their armour, but they are and by far the most dynamic Primaris so far, the Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour is also out next week (again single pose and no alternative weapons or head).
In books we've got the Brunner the Bounty Hunter Omnibus, set in the Warhammer Old World and next week is White Dwarf, so if you live in Australia and get it via mail order, you'll have that in mid-October.