The July issue sports the same image that has been floating around for a number of the new 8th Edition releases - the valiant Ultramarine Captain (love the personal heraldry on the pauldron BTW) going toe to toe with some Plague Marines.
The image itself is probably a bit misleading, because even though last issue was packed to the brim with Warhammer 40K stuff, this issue does have some more general content for the hobbyist also - but don't be too fooled, 40K is the undoubted cash cow right now!
Sadly there is no Blood Bowl supplement this month, nor are there too many exclusive rules. The format that the White Dwarf Monthly launched with of having the exclusive rules all together has gone now, and if you're looking for them then it's a scouting job to find them.
++ More From The Inside After The Jump ++
Planet Warhammer is the new release section of White Dwarf and this month, probably to the annoyance of those who paid a lot of money for the Dark Imperium boxed set, there are now a number of smaller sets quite a lot cheaper with the miniatures in them - and just a week after release. Not only that, but there are also four new Easy To Build (yawn) releases to build on the forces from these boxes. Interestingly the prices on these small force expanding releases for both Nurgle and the Imperium are very well priced, especially if you want to dive in and practice your colour schemes. From new paint sets, to an Introduction magazine for Warhammer 40K (the Age of $igmar was excellent so high hopes for this one), to the new Primaris characters - there's actually quite a bit coming out.
Thunder & Blood is a new starter set for Age of $igmar with some of the miniatures from the original starter set in a much cheaper package.The coloured plastic is freaking me out a bit. but with ; Vandus Hammerhand on his dragon-pony and Khorgos Khul and his Bloodsecrator having already released a few weeks ago, having them in here is a bit meh!
Forge World show off their new combined Magnus the Red (hasn't this model kind of been ignored BTW!) and Leman Russ model, while Black Library show us a few books that we already knew about - which is unusual because there's usually a surprise or two in there.
Video game news takes us through Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freaks, Drop Assault, Vermintide and Warhammer Quest 2: End Times... on mobile! Could be worth a look!
Right at the end of Planet Warhammer there is this cool looking ad for a new something called Path To Glory. One can assume it's another skirmish game for Age of $igmar - but this inclusion of a Beastman in the artwork has this Beardy curious! Could it be?? Are they back? THE most ignored race in Warhammer!
Hall of Fame looks at the amazing Magnus the Red model. This is a very impressive and detailed model, and from what we're hearing, a beast on the battlefield. Interestingly this was designed by Matt Holland who also gets kudos for his Riptide battlesuit for the Tau..
Speaking of which, Creating Legends is a lengthy article about and featuring many of the Citadel Miniatures Design Team. This takes a look at their process and some of the models from quite a few of the designers. If you like the miniatures, then this is a pretty cool look inside the workings.
A Tale of Four Warlords takes us through the growing armies of our protagonists, but something of note here are Dan Harden's Nurgle Marines. Not only do they have an awesome scheme - they actually make me want to paint some! This is a real show of great talent as he uses colours to tie Nurgle Marines in with his Iron Warriors! Super-impressive....
Horus Heresy is a selection of entrants from Golden Demon: Horus Heresy which feature amongst others, these two amazing dreadnoughts! The level of clean skill on these two entrants is just amazing, and really some of the best work you will see on these large units.
Illuminations this month looks at those cuddly bundles of fun, the Orks!
The Battle Report this month is Tau vs Orks - two really nicely painted armies. Hopefully reading through this thoroughly will give us a better idea of how Tau actually play in 8th edition.
War in the Shadows looks at the Age of $igmar: Skirmish. This is a really good primer as well as being a nice showcase of tactics and models in people's warbands.
James Karch is a veteran gamer and hobbyist and his Stormcast force of Astral Templars are beautifully done. There's some great shots of his huge force in here. If you're looking to do Stormcast in an interesting colour scheme, then these guys are a good look at what can be done.
A New Army For A New Era is a look at some of the forces being collected by the Games Workshop staff to field in Warhammer 40k 8th Edition.
Paint Splatter goes from VERY simple schemes for your minis from the Dark Imperium boxed set (maybe too simple frankly) to a very detailed tutorial on how to paint faces.
Blanchitsu is back! Always cool to see what people come up with. Amazing how the Genestealer Cult figures have become so ubiquitous. It's hard to find them in stock in stores and they may in fact be the sleeper hit in terms of hobbyists. There's also a second warband that uses older metal miniatures and draws direct inspiration from John Blanche's artwork itself!
Armoured Assault is a whole lot of vehicles from the GW team, and finally the Reader Models..
The Creating Legends and Tactica Imperialis are really quite good and useful.
The Battle Report,. James Karch's Stormcast and the War in the Shadows had some really nice miniatures, as did Golden Demon: Horus Heresy.
The rest however was pretty hum-drum!
If those things are enough to get you buy - then rock on - but Games Workshop have to either be ahead of the curve and put things in Planet Warhammer that are interesting or drop the front of the issue because really there was nothing new apart from the pricing which could all be on one page!!
Right now I think they are straddling the needs of the hobbysist, the gamer and also striking a sales pitch.
In general they are serving all markets - but they are excelling at none of them.