Pick of the bunch for us is the Orks: Killdakka Warband with a combination of new and old models, a string HQ and a flexible flyer. These new infantry models are awesome. Probably next would be the Necrons: Worldscour Legion, which doesn't really suit the name, but some great minis, just needs more Warriors. Fan fave but a bit disappointing in the offerings is the
Adeptus Mechanicus: Omnissiah's Talon. Just misses the pizzazz factor, but good for bitz if that is your want and desire. Very solid offering, but typical is the Space Marines: Shieldbreaker Strike Force. Lovely minis, but nothing too special. It is however (like the Orks) a true standalone force. Disappointing is the Adepta Sororitas: Purgatos Mission which is heavy in Support elements, but light on minis. Equally so the
Death Guard: Plaguefester Warband.
Fear not, Age of $igmar doesn't miss out with the very cool Soulblight Gravelords – Revenant Legion taking the flag for us. Some more skeletons would have been nice over two lots of zombies, but tactically it's a good choice. For pure beauty and hitting power the Lumineth Realm-lords – Vanari Shining Host is a top pick too. These are beautiful minis! The Hedonites of Slaanesh – Sybarite Blade-carnival, equally lovely, but maybe needed something more. Lastly the much-unloved Ossiarch Bonereapers – Mortisan Tithe-echelon which really is just the releases we saw for them. This is pretty disappointing, in fact the whole way GW has handled them has been pretty poor. They're nice minis but they have been woefully under loved, rarely seen in interesting colour schemes and seem to be rotting on the vine.
Last but not least, Middle-earth gets the Rohan™ Stronghold set, which really is pretty expensive for what you get, considering you need to get more walls just to surround the houses. Maybe two less houses and two more wall sets would have been smarter.