Isn't it always the way - you read the breakdown of White Dwarf, prepare yourself for a naff issue and then they roll out one full of random hobby-ness that just has to be read! Well they do say don't judge a book by it's cover, BUT IT'[S SO MUCH EASIER!! So the big draw card according to Games Workshop is the new Shattered Dominion game board. You might remember we gave you an exclusive sneak peak at in from Warhammer Visions some months ago. Well now here it is and apart from being pretty crazy-crowded it's not the most exciting thing in this week's issue! This week we have three new paint sets specifically for large areas that include the new jumbo 250ml paint pots! There's also new Shattered Dominion scenic bases, five more Start Collecting! boxed sets, Paint Splatter returns with some basing tips and tricks (always handy), there's a look at the Domain of Chaos Battletome and a partridge in a pear tree. ++ More After The Jump ++ |
Also on these pages, the novel Realmgate Wars: Lord of Undeath, and the next Horus Heresy audio book The Either, which was originally a short story from the Meduson compilation.
This sounds like a cool story - I might just pick this one up!
"Captain Tybalt Marr of the Sons of Horus, so often overlooked by his more glory-hungry brethren, returns to his Legion in triumph. However, his boasts of having slain the infamous Iron Hands warleader Shadrak Meduson soon fall flat when he learns of the recent assassination attempt on Horus himself. Gathering his forces upon the conquered world of Dwell, Marr returns to battle against the Shattered Legions, determined to earn his rightful place in history."
Space Wolves? Ice Elves? Frost the Snowman?? Got me...
So this issue is actually pretty good. There's lots of hobby stuff, yes it's sales driven, but it's useful information as well. I enjoyed this issue and read pretty much all of it!
There's also the Designers Notes up the back for the Shatter Dominion stuff. We need more of this stuff!
In the Pot of Paint vs. White Dwarf:
White Dwarf
Getting Started with Warhammer Age of $igmar
I picked up the Getting Started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar today mainly for my nephews who are just getting into it. I figured this was a great primer and had a miniature on it too. Now first off, the thing that really got me was how this is set out - this is not just reprinted material! There is some material here from the Battletomes basically owing to the sheer amount of of background for people to catch up on (as we mentioned last week) but there are also a lot of shots of great miniatures, some of which I personally haven't seen before, some simple painting guides for various armies AND an overview of the rules! Having seen inside I also picked up a copy for me to catch up on the Age of $igmar universe, so it's definitely not just for the new players or kids. there is something in here for every Fantasy player/ hobbyist. PLUS, if you look closely there are also a number of new scenery models - check these out. |
Yes this is a sales pitch and there are lots of pictures of boxed sets etc, but if you look past that bit you'll probably enjoy it as much as we did - sceptical as we were!