Fan of combat on a smaller but grander scale? Well the brand new Matched Play Guide is out for Adeptus Titanicus, which continues to be very hot property for Games Workshop, both with competitive gamers and hobbyists who really want to get deeply into fluff.
It's been a while since GW updated their range of hobby tools, and it looks like they've gone back to making things weird... have a look at the new Citadel Tools: Knife - that does not look comfortable. On the flip side though, the more traditional Super Fine Detail Cutters and what looks like quite an innovative Drill with a little turntable on the top to rest in the palm of your hand - could be worth a try! Meanwhile the tool that does the things a knife does, except cut, the Mouldline Remover gets a more ergonomic handle.
It's been at least a week since we had a dump of old Lord of the Rings models, so here we go... Boromir on horsey-neigh-neigh, Elendil & Isildur (Rings of Power tie-in anyone?) and the Blackroot Vale Commanders. Also this week we have some of what we believe are the best LoTR models released, the thematic Haradrim King, an all-time favourite the Mahûd King (two amazing models), the Mahûd Warrior Warband and the Mahúd Raiders.
Books, there are many this week, including the beautifully presented War of the Fang Special Edition, Kasrkin in hardback, a really interesting sounding one - Void King in hardback, Warhammer Horror's Briardark in paperback and The Twice-dead King: Reign in paperback.
Oh, and it's a White Dwarf week...