For a while now you may have read us extoling the virtues of small character filled squads. Having each miniature interesting and a personality in itself. It's something we have tried to do with our Righteous Harbinger Chapter of Space Marines, which was designed for games like City Fight and Kill Team - so we were wrapped when Kill Team came back on the scene last week The current Deathwatch Codex also tries to instill this idea of each model being a character and is doing it very successfully. The great thing about Kill Team is that you can not only have a small character-filled force, but you can also game with them. It's much easier to start wit this game than trying to build an army just so you can dip your toe in. It also allows you to try different factions easily without the large financial outlay. |
The mini The Rules book is the same one that has been included in other games, and the Kill Team rules is a full format book with just 32 pages - all colour and well laid out.
The assembly instructions for the miniatures are new (to me at least) in that they are full colour. Not only are the instructions colour - but the Space Marine one also comes with a painting guide for a few Chapters - Ultramarines, White Scars, Raven Guard, Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists and Salamanders. They are very cool and simple and at the same time packed with information.
There is a Leader's Traits Table that you generate on a D6 roll at the beginning of the game. These traits include; Cunning Ruse, Quick Thinker, Chasing Promotion, Iron Resolve, Been There, Seen It, Done It, and Unshakable Dedication To Duty.
Combat Specialist can either choose Counter-attack, Hammer of Wrath, Rage, Furious Charge or Hatred from the 40K Rules OR one of the Kill Team ones; Berserk Fighter, Deathblow, or Killer Instinct.
Weapon Specialist can pick Sniper from the 40K Rules OR Bane of Vehicles, Eagle-eye, Expert Shot, Master-craftsman, Reaping Volley, Sharpshooter or Suppressing Fire from the Kill Team rules.
Dirty Fighter can pick Fear or Soul Blaze from the 40K Rules or Blinding Distraction, Exploit Weakness, Executioner, Low Blow, Murderous Blows or Poisoned Weapons from the Kill Team Rules.
Indomitable Specialist can pick Adamantium Will, Feel No Pain, Crusader, Relentless, Eternal Warrior, Stubborn or Fearless from the 40K Rules OR Smackdown from the Kill Team Rules.
Guerilla Specialist can pick Fleet, Night Vision, Hit & Run, Preferred Enemy, Infiltrate, Scout, Move Through Cover or Stealth from the 40K Rules of Promethium Charges from the Kill Team rules.
There are six new Kill Team Missions all designed to be played on a 4x4 board, There are a number of Codex exceptions and other small changes, including this cool one - even though your models are in a Squad, each are treated as a separate unit - including Tau Drones. Kill Team Missions include; Forward Push, Alone In The Dark, Infiltrate The Camp, Secure High Ground and Supply Drop. As well as as a Primary Mission Objective, there are also Secondary ones too, all for one Victory Point. |
The Next Mission And Beyond section talks about taking this experience you have gained and going further - tournament play, linked games, and multiplayer Kill Team Games are all mentioned. There is also the Kill Team Challenge games including Powering Up, Against The Horde and Prey Stalker. These all sound really cool, but very challenging. It will be really interesting to see how people take to these. Obviously small games are pretty standard in GW stores, so here's a new way to play! |
This gives pre-set Specialist abilities, weapon load outs and Leader Traits, per character and per unit.
Quite a good way to get your head around it.
There is also a page at the back dedicated to the Tau Drones and DS8 Turret rules for Kill Team and Raven Guard Chapter Tactics; Strike From The Shadows and Winged Deliverance.
Games Workshop have been smart with this, bringing the small force back into Warhammer 40K after years of the Apocalypse-style play style. You could literally go and buy a squad box and field it straight away!