Originally released as the Death Guard of Krieg, these have been reboxed as Kill Team: Veteran Guardsmen. Multi-part and multi-pose, these minis are full of flavour and look amazing with some head swaps, even with normal Cadians. Interesting thing to note, the term "Imperial Guard" has returned in place of "Astra Militarum". The other great set are the Kill Team: Kommandos, a set of dynamic and fun elite Orks with at least one obviously styled on WWII Commonwealth commandos. Now if you like both, save yourself some money and go buy the new Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Starter Set, which includes some stuff you may never use, but you save a heap on the miniatures. Also available separately next week is the Kill Team: Octarius book that includes the rules for these two forces plus nine Kill Team missions. SO it's time to paint these lovely Veteran Guardsmen - well luckily there's two colour ranges just for you - the Krieg 19th Siege Regiment Parade Ready Paint Bundle and the Krieg 143rd Siege Regiment Parade Ready Paint Bundle.
Now it was previewed as a big week for Necromunda today, but in the pre-orders we only have one product, the Necromunda Underdog Card Pack, which goes with the Underdogs set... but more on that later.
Now, books! We have a few on pre-order this week - Krieg in hardcover, the beautiful The Triumph of Saint Katherine Limited Edition (these really do keep getting better and better), Genestealer Cult-focused Day of Ascension in hardcover and the White Scars omnibus Masters of the Hunt.
To go with the Underdogs Cards, there is the Hive Scum set of minis. This was originally released back in November 2021 as the Necromunda Outcasts Hive gang, sold out straight away and is no longer available. Either way, this set was three times the size and I'm pretty sure not three times the price. Pays to get in early! Necromunda also had the Delaque Weapons and Upgrades set this week. These sets are pretty cool, and although Delaque is okay, a Palantine Enforcers set would be AMAZING!!
If you're following Warhammer 40k then the loss of the Chapter Approved: War Zone Nachmund Grand Tournament Pack and Munitorum Field Manual 2022 this week is probably a bit of a bummer!
Maybe it'll turn up in store next week, but it's not looking good for online ordering right now.
Ork and Kill Team fans will be a bit disappointed as Kill Team: Kill Zone Octarius, the Ork-themed terrain from the game, is missing so far this week.
And finally, in books there's The Book of Martyrs, a collection of Sisters of Battle stories - including one with Tau which could be very interesting...
And finally, everyone's favourite ratty friends Blood Bowl team get some hitting power with the new Rat Ogre. He seems like a charming lad! Probably a popular conversion piece for Dark Eldar players too!