Meanwhile, there's a new expansion for Necromunda, this time tying in the events there with the events in the wider 540K universe, following the opening of the Great Rift effectively dividing the Imperium into two realms. Necromunda: The Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning brings you new rules for Goliaths and Escher, plus widens the pool of characters available to your gang. Speaking of Goliath, the new Goliath Maulers (which we guarantee will turn up as World Eater bikes before we see Goliath versions) are truly awesome, and terribly tempting! Goliaths also get their First Edition Gang Tactics Cards back, as well as a Goliath Ash Wastes Gang Dice Set. Fear not other gangs, there are also Ironhead Squat Prospectors Gang Dice, Ash Waste Nomads Gang Dice, Orlock Ash Wastes Gang Dice, and Necromunda Vehicle Dice. A little something for almost everyone.
We had some Lord of the Rings last week, and this week we have a wee Made To Order model of Old Bilbo Baggins. It's a nice model, but gosh it must be small.
In books this week the 20th Anniversary Edition of Nightbringer is coming (with a suitably boring cover unfortunately) and the Warhammer Crime anthology The Vorbis Conspiracy in paperback.