Blood Bowl Season Two kicks off with a new book Death Zone. This book includes rules for Underworld Denizens, Goblins and Chaos Renegades s well as 12 new Star Players – some from teams we haven't seen yet like the Dark Elf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Amazon, Human, Halfling and Lizardmen teams; To Accompany the book, the new Goblin team The
Scarcrag Snivellers are also out with some very cool sculpts. Now if you don't want the whole team - you can just get four of them! The Goblins also form a part of other teams to make bundles like the Underworld Creepers with Skaven and Da Deff Skwad with Orcs - with an added Troll for good measure and some sizeable thumpidge!.
Also in Blood Bowl, there are some Made To Order teams from the past - Lizardmen and Kroxigor to give them extra hitting power, Necromantic Horror, Shambling Undead, and High Elf. Now if only we could get some new plastic Elf teams...
Also next week is the Jain Zar: The Storm of Silence book looking at the infamous Eldar Phoenix Lord.