The new Beastgrave expansion is here, having been teased some weeks ago, with the new free-for-all version of the game Arena Mortis. Very kindly Games Workshop have also put together a package Warhammer Underworlds Starter Collection just for such an occasion!
The latest expansion for the Middle-earth game Quest of the Ringbearer is here and it gives gamers 28 new narrative scenarios, plus rules for linking them together into a flowing campaign, detailed army focuses, rules for six new and updated Legendary Legions and a masterclass on how to best build and paint Forge World's Weathertop scenery piece. To accompany the expansion, there's a new terrain set, the Mines of Moria, which compared to the Warhammer ones is a tad sparse!
Fair few books this weekend, starting with the Imperial Infantryman's Handbook which includes the previously released Imperial Munitorum Manual, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer and The Benedictions of the Emperor. There's also the paperback version of Necromnda's Uprising and the newest Last Chancers' novel, Armageddon Saint in paperback. Black library have also released a collection of Horus Heresy hardbacks - Vulkan Lives, The Unremembered Empire, Scars, Vengeful Spirit, and The Damnation of Pythos.