There's also an audio drama next week; Titan's Bane that tells the story of that time Charlize Theron joined the Imperial Tank Corp - seriously - have a look!
In other release news, Forge World have announced the pre-order for their first Necromunda upgrades - these ones for Escher. Little underwhelming I might say and also quite late. Releasing one weapon set for each of the three factions would probably have been smarter as these Escher sets all look very similar.
Now Forgebane is quite a hefty price, the same as the Horus Heresy boxes, but with only a small amount of new minis - so have a look around at some of the other dealers online. We saw Mighty Ape this morning for customers from Australia ($30 off) and New Zealand ($50 off) ... the rest of the world pays less anyway.
++ BTW, this isn't an ad - we didn't get paid - it's just giving you options. Also check international sellers on eBay and people splitting the box on Facebook groups ++