In Australia we call an "Auto Shop" a "Garage", thus the large word "Garage" over the roller door of this surprisingly large structure - and it is sizeable!
When we first saw the picture of this we hadn't quite thought of the dimensions, but this structure fits two full 10 man squads comfortably - even the size of the stairs and walkways easily fits the larger 40mm bases used by models such at Terminators or Thallax..
Another nice addition was the detail on every surface; tiles on the floor and then a riveted metal plate look to the roof of the garage itself.
| The build itself was not complicated, but certainly involved, with extra plates and details all over the model. There are also optional air conditioning units and other bits an pieces, not all specifically shown on the instructions but there on the pictures. The look I wanted to go with was a building that could have been abandoned, or certainly not looked after particularly well. Maybe this was in a dingy part of town, but certainly not a prestige car dealer! The grey finish is Administratum Grey from Citadel Paints with a Skavenblight Dinge wash around the edges to give the dirty worn look - it gets thicker the closer you get to the ground to simulate grime from city streets. The front is meant to look commercial with the bright (but worn) red black and yellow a once thriving business would have had. The plaster covering is cracked in places and bricks show through - this is a lovely detail from Miniature Scenery and having the mismatched red bricks at the back really appealed. There is a coloured sector stripe around the back and part of the side of the building. We decided that each sector would have a colour attached to it, so all the buildings will have this along the back alleyway - maybe something for garbage men and police to easily identify where they are. Already a narrative develops... This was the first time we used a technique that's generally been reserved for Gundam or modern armour kits rather than 28mm - weathering the metal with chips. In principle I'm against it on Marines and their gear as the lore says that it was maintained by servants so why would it be rusted and dirty? BUT on something like this it makes sense and I'm really happy I did it - much to the gentle ribbing of others. |
The power unit on the side of the building was done as if totally rusted. Not entirely sold on this, but it's okay. The surface was abit plain so I added these storage boxes we found on eBay. They're resin and really nice, but the grey one has lots of little bubbles in the lid, so don't look too closely!
The only thing I'm not sure about this is the roller door. It's well done and can be built so it's partially or full up, the paint job just doesn't do it justice.