The Gloomspite Gitz continue their sizeable release window with a number of interesting releases - the Loonboss (who has a separate head under the helmet for some reason) gives you a second leader option from last week plus there's also the insane Loonboss on Mangler Squigs/ Mangler Squigs combi-kit which gives you a third leader option! Leaders need advisors/ minions/ yes-men and the Gobbapalooza set gives you multiple weirdos. Did someone just liberally hand out magic mushrooms at GW HQ and everyone got to design something weird? In the big-boy category the Rockgut Troggoths are a very customisable unit in a tonne of pieces. It's curious to see GW go towards so many Easy Fit sets and then this one is so many pieces - not complaining, just curious. The winner of the Most Needing To Go To The Dentist Award is the Dankhold Troggoth/ Dankhold Troggboss combi-kit - both unattractive but incredible detailed and theme-y models. The Sneaky Snufflers is a cute little set - but check out the price... this is for one sprue!!
Another 40K product this week is a Death Guard Paint Set with three minis - not bad value if you want some full sized paints and to test some schemes.
Fair few books for your shelves next week - the next Gaunt's Ghosts, Book 15 Anarch is here, as is the new Blood Angels: The Complete Rafen Omnibus featuring all of James Swallow's Blood Angel novels. The Warhammer Chronicles continue, this time with classic stories, Wulfrik, Blood for the Blood God, and Palace of the Plague Lord all bundled up in Warriors of the Chaos Wastes. And finally the next Horus Heresy audio drama, Nightfane continues the story of Ultramarine Aenoid Thiel and his Red Marked.