The last three Warcry warbands are on offer this weekend, and what a delight they are - packed with detail and dynamically posed, they offer a lot in themselves and certainly a lot in terms of bitz for the bitz box! From the horrendous The Unmade, to the cunning Splintered Fang (those helmets!) to the swift strike of the Corvus Cabal, each of these warbands offers something new ion terms of the aspects of Chaos. Like last week, this week we also get another Ravaged Lands terrain piece, this time the Shattered Stormvault.
The other biggie this week are the Palanite Enforcers for Necromunda. Not to be confused with the Adeptus Arbites, these guys now slot somewhere under that piece of venerable fluff to take on the street level crims and hive scum. This set is basically two identical sprues with two main weapon options - a very cool human-sized bolter or a shotgun. Disappointingly there are only two shock batons, but in great news, this is an entirely multi-pose kit, so the torsos are free from the legs and you can go wild with posing options. A with other Necromunda releases we get the Enforcer Patrol Dice Set plus a new Necromunda expansion, the Book of Judgement giving you an overview of the seedy underbelly of the Necromunda hive. There's Enforcer Tactics Cards (which also include some gang tactics cards too), plus the Intrigues & Rackets Card Pack to bring the world of crime to your gang, the Underdog Card Pack for when your Juves have to face a load of Goliaths, and the Dramatis Personae Cards 1 to represent a bevvy of Hired Guns.
In books, we get Book 12 of the Primarch series with Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter. Written by Guy Haley, here's hoping he does this awesome Primarch justice. If he isn't vampire Batman that's a real shame!