An interesting return for an old favourite - the Vehicle Upgrade Sprue which seems to appear and disappear from the webstore with regularity. Smartly this time GW have included pictures to show exactly what we're supposed to do with them (left) because in the past it wasn't entirely clear...!
The Grey Knights return with the reboxed Grey Knights Strike Squad, Grand Master Voldus and resin Castellan Crowe. Grey Knights is an interesting choice as a release this early. We're not entirely sure why them when there are bigger armies out there really wanting to get to grips with their Codex. Imperial Guard and Dark Eldar are just two. Dark Eldar lost the Venom this week when it was deleted from the webstore, leading many to speculate.
This is also the week of new Codex, with the Codex Chaos Space Marine hitting the shelves. Chaos Space Marine players have wanted a really good Codex since 2nd edition, and by the look of it they may be about to get their desire. It comes in normal version, and Collector's Edition, plus the obligatory Datacards.
To coincide with the reboxed minis, there is of course Codex Grey Knights which comes in normal version, and Collector's Edition and pretty little Datacards.
Now because Intercessors are all one colour, Games Workshop have very kindly brought out a Intercessors & Paint Set. Now why, pray-tell, would they bring out something like this? So I can paint Blood Angels Intercessors in blue? The obsession with what was initially a great idea has gone so wrong. Now, on the other hand, the Ultramarines Paint Set is logical - even if the paints are too small.
Meanwhile, some what overshadowed by the colour blue and the number the Black Legion, the true Successors to the Warmaster's greatness, have a new book out. It tells the story of a spikey spikey man with cool pony hair who just wants all his old buddies to be friends again. If only he hadn't killed their liege lord in a fit of jealous rage like the petulant twat he is. This is actually the sequel to the Talons of Horus. If you like that, then this should float your boat - even if the image of Abaddon with a My Little Pony on his head don't. Such pretty pretty hair.