Lets face it - the Forge World Sicaran Battle Tank is super-sexy... I mean not like Jessica Biel-sexy, but by the Gods is it not cool-as! The Sicaran is one of those pre-Heresy/ Great Crusade tanks that we're just hearing about thanks to Forge World's Horus Heresy series. One of the most advanced armoured units in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Sicaran Battle Tank was the exclusive province of the Space Marine Legions. The Sicaran utilises component technologies from various STC patterns to create a high-speed ‘destroyer’ tank to complement the more commonplace Predator and Land Raider designs. Well today Forge World released images of the first variant in the Sicaran series, the Venator (left). |
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So the Sicaran may for ever stay out of my grasp - but damn is it not one of Forge World's best looking vehicles ever!!