It was with a great gnashing of teeth that we discovered the World Eaters/ War Hounds Transfer Sheet from Forge World was being discontinued in favour of a new one - but the new one has finally been released and it's not half bad! If you're a World Eater's player then this is a really great addition to the current markings available. In essence you don't really miss out on anything apart from the larger versions of the square-jawed teeth markings, plus you get added gold numbers and some super pretty colourful (one can only assume) banner transfers. Whether the World Eaters had time to make pretty banners is open to conjecture, but these have some great detail on them. Now as for the War Hounds... |
There's also these interesting kill markings. I haven't seen these before and are pretty brutal looking.
The FW World eaters MK2 Transfer Sheet is just one of many that are being revamped by the Forge World team. I question whether they are needed considering most military markings are quite often applied in the field and very simple, so why make them look like they came out of an artist's studio. When we mentioed that before some people were unhappy, and fair enough when it's the Emperor's Children, Sons of Horus or Imperial Fists, but Death Guard and World Eaters would surely be more practical with their markings - brutally simplistic. That being said, this a very nice product! |