Speaking of new minis, there's a lovely new plastic Elrond, Master of Rivendell, who (as with previous characters) comes in both mounted and on-foot versions, plus a handy standard bearer. But what to play in this new edition? Well by chance there is a multitude of mew army boxes - and frankly they're all pretty great with the Isengard Battlehost, Minas Tirith Battlehost, Mordor Battlehost, and the Rohan Battlehost all on pre-order this weekend, plus the Ruins of Middle-earth terrain set and the Final Fate of the Witch-king diorama thing. You've got the new minis - what could be better?? What about Rivendell and Garrison of Dale Dice Sets? How fabulous!
Heresy is the gift that keeps on giving - if there's supply - and the new Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank is now where! It's a really nice looking kit with some cool details, especially the hatches under the turret gun. There's also two Heavy Weapons Upgrade Sets for Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons
and one for Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons. A interesting addition this week are the Age of Darkness Reference Cards, which you think would have come out with the game!
Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze have an awesome new gang, the Gorechosen of Dromm. and the Deadly Depths Rivals Deck.
Add to your Chaos Daemons army from the other week with the Datacards.
In books this week the beautiful Special Edition of Awakenings is here, plus the standard hardback, there's also some Heresy offerings with The Horus Heresy Print on Demand Collection 11 (which includes
The Buried Dagger, Garro, Titandeath, Heralds Of The Siege – a Horus Heresy Anthology and Slaves To Darkness) and Mortarion: The Pale King in hardback.
It's also a White Dwarf week with issue 480 on offer.
If you're in the mood for some miniature collections with a limited edition art print, then it's the week for you: Tyranid Tendrils of the Hive Fleets Collection, Fighting for Ur-Gold Collection, Deepkin From the Ocean Depths Collection, and the Skaven Fight-fight, Kill-kill Collection.