Then as I made the first one (above far right) I wondered why not just make some Fallen. They're cool with an awesome backstory (until Forge World retcons it which they're sure to do) and classic armour from back in the Rogue Trader days.
The only difficulty is that the shoulder icon was a bit different back thyen. Forge World make a really ornate one, and then I saw that Pop Goes the Monkey on Shapeways make exactly what I was looking for. I already had War Hounds and Consecrator ones from them, so now I added Dark Angel ones and THEY ARE FRAKKIN' AMAZING! Not too thick, just perfect (below right). Hands down one of the best after market 40K products available. Once I teamed those with the MKIV Space Marines from Betrayal at Calth and the always amazing Veteran Shoulderpads from Mastercrafted (below left) I was set!
Overall I'm pretty happy as a start. The seeming re-emergence of The Fallen in the latest 40K story arch is fun, so lets see what happens! So far each of them have different heraldry, an idea i'd like to continue on these grizzled old veterans of a once less treasonous time.