Warhammer Age of Sigmar hits today with the release of White Dwarf #75. Not only is there a tonne of pictures and information, the entire rule set (all four pages) is included and a bonus miniature is packed on the front. I'm sure these will fly off the shelves like hot cakes! Of course what would a release be without a website update and Games Workshop have completely redesigned the Warhammer section! The sidebar now shows the Alliances, the Factions, the Races and probably more interestingly the Unit Types which is a big departure from the old classes and probably more in line with Dungeons and Dragons or an online MMORPG like World of Warcraft or the like. To give so much information so early is really interesting and the new race names take a little while to get used to. Incidentally, contrary to popular belief, the Ogres are not allied to The Order, rather Destruction, and the Lizardmen find themselves in with The Order! Also launched today are the free Rules & Warscroll Compendiums (click the pic for the link) with all the stats you'll need to build your force under the new rules. I wonder how long these will keep the old Race names before transitioning over to the new Race names - if they do at all. The back of each Compendium also explains any names changes. |