With Tzeentch smashing sales this weekend, next weekend will be all about Battleofrces with a touch of Chaos! The Battlefroces are the deluxe versions of Start Collecting sets - bigger, one stop shops for your new or existing army, and they're pretty much across the range too. In the universe of 40K there's Space Wolves, Deathwatch, Tau and Mechanicum. Age of Sigmar gets Khorne, Sylvaneth, Ironjaws (Orruks) and Stormcast. Just some quick maths will see that they're pretty good value - some more than others. Books abound next week, with thr next in the excellent Apocrypha series; Index Chaotica. If it's anything like the Space Marine one, this is a MUST HAVE! Two new novles include Fabius Bile Primogenitor and Ragnar Blackmane. |
Like last week, Lord of the Rings players also get a look in with the Lake-town House set. It's a really nice looking set, pity it's just a bit too small for Warhammer.
The big release for next week will be the Traitor Legions Codex. This is the much awaited update to the very old Chaos Space Marine rules and includes Datasheets for many of he current character models, 26 formations for Chaos Space Marines including some interesting ones like the Cyclopia Cabal, Black Legion Warband, Tzaangor Warherd, Sekhmet Conclave, Rehati War Sect, Plague Colony and Kakophoni.. There's also Chaos Artefacts, Warlord Traits, Tactical Objectives and an exclusive Detachment for each of the 9 Traitor Legions, updated Disciplines of Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, as well as the Sinistrum, Heretech, Ectomancy and Geomortis Psychic Disciplines. Sounds pretty comp[rehensive to us and maybe a good guide to the upcoming releases for Slaanesh and Nurgle! |