The vicious death-dealers, the Daughters of Khaine also get their new Battletome - which comes in Crown the Queen Limited Edition and Razor-sharp Standard Edition. No new models, but there are Warscroll Cards, but no new dice.
The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game™ gets a new expansion with Defence of the North, which also includes narrative elements as well. No new minis, but yet again we get a deluge of old ones - Lake-town Captains, Easterling Mounted Commanders, some cool Easterlings Dice, Durbûrz & Grôblog, Goblin Kings of Moria, Ashrâk & Drûzhag, Goblin Shamans of Moria, Khazâd Guard, Moria Blackshield Warband, Captains of Erebor, Warg Marauder, Dragon, and the Moria Goblin Prowlers.
In books this week we get the new Vincula Insurgency in hardback, and next week sees White Dwarf 476.