First cab off the rank this wekedn is a great Kickstarter (which we backed) called Cult of Vile Rattus: A Cheese Stealer Cult adding Skaven-like creatures to your armies. The wheeled vehicles are cool too, but only available for the highest tier.
Wargames Atlantic have a great new plastic set out, this time the Einherjar with Dwarven warriors for the futuristic battlefield. Like all Wargames Atlantic releases they have lots of weapons options and look like a great addition to a retinue. Go check out their kits - they're very cool. Mortian, one of the newer resin casters out there have a great range of customisable stationary weapons for a reasonable price. I find their pricing a little odd, but these look amazing and could add soem excellent flavour to your army, with fun additions like searchlights and multiple barreled weapons like mortars and autoguns. If history is more your bag, then the excellent range of Victrix kits now includes the fabled Dacians - the absolute terror of the Roman Legionary. Featuring the unique reversed curved blades, these minis are very cool. Speaking of classic miniatures, Lucid Eye Publications have the new 28mm version of Frank Frazetta's classic Death Dealer. This version is the original mounted one, and although mostly right, they didn't get the neck and head on the horse quite right. We have a cast of the original from back in the deep mists of time, and it's a beauty!
That's just some of the cool stuff we saw this week. Hope you enjoyed this little tour around the Geek-ernet for a change. We usually share these sorts of updates on our Facebook, so head over and you can share in the social media miasma that is Facebook!