The Ossiarch Bonereapers model range actually hits next week, but this week we get to learn all about them with two versions of the Battletome - the Rattle and Bones Limited Edition and Jack Skellington Standard Edition. There's also the new scenery peice, the rather sizable Bone-tithe Nexus and a set of
Endless Spells. As per most large releases, there's the Ossiarch Bonereapers Warscroll Cards and a Dice Set. The adversaries in this box are the Ogor Mawtribe, which nicely allows two new versions of their Battletome - the In My Gut Limited Edition and the Fe-fi-fo-fum Standard Edition. We also get a pretty cool scenery piece with the Great Mawpot, the Warscroll Cards and Dice Set. Pity we don't get an upgrade to the existing Ogor line infantry kit...
In much smaller (in scale) news, Aeronautica Imperialis gets some new planes in the form of the Ork Air Waaagh! Eavy Bommers and Adeptus Titanicus re-releases the Questoris Knights box, this time with added Thunderstrike Gauntlets and Rocket Pods. The same Questoris Knights Upgrade set is also available separately but is sold out! In other Adeptus Titanicus news, there are two new decal sheets - one for Legio Tempestus and one for Legio Atarus.
Middle-earth also has some new products this week with the Profile Card Packs for Isengard and Moria, the Free Peoples and Elves and Dwarves (currently sold out). There is also Middle-earth Card Sleeves too. For fans of the game there are some Made to Order sets that might make you drool - Haldir & Celeborn, Lurtz and Uglûk, Glorfindel and Erestor, Mauhúr and Vraskû, Lords of the Dúnedain, Elladan & Elrohir, Elrond (great likeness too) and Lindir, Lords of Rivendell, Ringwraiths of the Fallen Realms (awesome looking set), Ringwraiths of Angmar, and Ringwraiths of the Lost Kingdoms. Hadn't seen these Ringwraiths sets before, but they're very cool.
In books, one of the most important books to the 40K universe is on pre-order Valdor: Birth of the Imperium (Limited Edition) tells the story of the man who was with the Emperor from the Unification Wars all through the Horus Heresy. What did happen to the Thunder Warriors? I think we're about to find out!
There's also the Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus Collection and the new First and Only: 20th Anniversary Edition (Hardback) which is rather pretty!!