To field your teeming masses you're going to need the new Codex: Tyranids, which comes in Get Away From Her, You Bitch Collectors Edition and Chittering Hordes Standard Edition. It should be noted that this is one of the first times GW have really gone all out on a Collectors Edition Codex, with a variant cover including silver foil lettering, and purple foil page edges. If you love you some Tyranids and can stretch to the price, this may very well be worth your while.
Lets get to the miniatures though - the real stuff we all hanker for... WH40K sees a revitalization of the Tyranids and the Norn Emissary/ Norn Assimilator combi-kit is probably the headline kit. A big chunky creature, the initial launch pictures had shown it seemingly larger, so before you jump at this kit, just have a look at the size and see if it's worth the cash. One of the most evocative, and a brand new design aesthetic is the Deathleaper. Sporting his cloak and many tendrils, this is a brilliant new direction for the Tyranids, moving away from the purely chitinous carapace forms. A more traditional design is the Neurolictor - big brain-things, long arms and a tail - he's your stealth attack dog. Absolute stand out for us is the Lictor. Always a superstar of the range, this new version has three distinct poses, all of which encapsulate the sheer terror and surprise attacks of the Tyrranid hordes. Another more traditional miniature is the Biovore/ Pyrovore combi-kit. More bug than anything else, this looks like a fantastic kitbash opportunity for Dark Eldar or other factions to me... please don't tempt me!! Away from the specialists, lets get into the screaming hordes with the brand new retooled and redesigned Hormagaunts which look absolutely fantastic, their ranged collegues, the Termagants, are a nice update, but seem to lack a bit of the character of the Hormies. Meanwhile the progenitors of the whole Tyranid range, first seen back in the original Space Hulk game, the Genestealers, have also had a refresh - bless their venerable hearts! If all of this is far too exciting, then the new Combat Patrol: Tyranids is a stonking big set with a selection of minis from the 10th Edition Launch Box. Now of course to play these happy little bundles of joy, you will need the new Datasheet Cards and if you so choose, the Tyranids Dice Set is a lovely addition to your games too.
In books this week we have the rather lovely Word Bearers Box Set Collection, the new The Rose in Darkness Sisters of Battle novel in hardback and the Blackstone Fortress Omnibus.
The kids at Forge World have brought back the Arvus Lighter too, a little early for the soon-to-be-previewed Auxilia forces for Horus Heresy.