"Need" is a tad dramatic, but the the big boss and the line infantry now released for Idoneth Deepkin, it's time for some specialists! The Isharann Soulrender (The Drukhari Incubi stand-in from Hell), Isharann Soulscryers (Dark Elf magic user stand in) and the awesome Isharann Tidecaster (check out that Chinese influenced armour!) are all mono-pose single sprue models with unfortunately no weapons or head options, but none the less dynamically posed and intricately sculpted. This week also sees the third in the free Deepkin art card (left) if you order any of this week's products on line.
The next gang in the Necromunda universe are also here with the techno warriors of House Van Saar. There's a few interesting points about this kit - first the amount of extra options is great, with double the amount of heads and two dedicated weapons options for each model, the inclusion of the 'clear' shield and an interesting way to do the bodies (see our sprue breakdown below). At $15 AUD cheaper than the Namarti, this certainly seems to be a fairer price point for effectively only multi-part not multi-pose minis. There are of course the Dice to go along with it and the Van Saars Gang Cards. The release of the Van Saars coincides with the release of Gang War 3, with additional scenarios, a Trading Post and new rules and units including the Luther Pattern Excavation Automata and ‘Kratos’’ H-Grade Servitor Ogryn. You can now also buy the Blank Fighter Cards previously available in the Necromunda boxed game to make your own customised gangs/ units.
Blood Bowl also gets some treat next week, with The Doom Lords Chaos Chosen team - and boy are they hot! Okay, they're not as dynamic as some of the other teams, but they are solid and stoic with some brooding that David Boreanaz would be jealous of! With some nice Beastmen minis included, this may need to find it's way to Beardy Hammer HQ! There are of course the requisite Chaos Dice and Chaos Team Card Pack too. In fact there are some other Blood Bowl products next week, the Blood Bowl Star Players Card Pack, Skaven Player Cards and Blood Bowl Underworld Denizens Dice plus a set of Chaos Renegade Dice. In other Blood Bowl news, Spike! is getting it's White Dwarf article turned into an actual magazine with star player profiles, tips and tricks and a look at the Doom Lords background. At only 36 pages, this is more a comic book, so be aware of the $20 AUD price tag.
Speaking of White Dwarf, it will be hitting the shelves next Friday with Deepkin Designer Notes, two Battle Reports and... well not a lot else by the sound of it!
In books, The Voice of Mars (HC) is a follow up to 'The Eye of Medusa' which chronicles the tales of corruption leaching into the Iron Hands Chapter - it also has a pretty rad cover!
Van Saars Sprue Breakdown & Observations
The first thing about the House Van Saars kit is the inclusion of the Hrystrar pattern energy shield - the first non-canopy/ flight stand clear piece included in a GW kit. We don't see it on the sprue breakdown today, but it will be interesting to see how it comes in the kit.
Secondly is the body construction on the minis themselves. Traditionally we either see the torso, lowerbody/ legs and arms separate or the torso and legs together with pseudo-modular arms. Here we see something else - we see the torso and groin as one piece, with the legs separate, though obviously intended for certain bodies. It will be interesting to see how transferable these legs are to other bodies. The front of the torso also seems to be separate - not sure if this is for an opportunity to have variety to the look.
Like Age of $igmar, there are two dedicated weapons options for each model, though they are almost all ranged options, not a mixed mellee or ranged option like Ao$ kits generally do. In terms of options, this kit comes with 20 heads - giving you a helmet or please-don't-shoot-me-in-the-head option for each mini.
Finally, the price point - at $70 AUD this is $15 AUD less than the new Namarti Thralls who have less posing
options, and less customization options like extra heads and pouches. This price brings them inline with the rest of the Necromunda range, so that's logical, but it does once again go to prove that the "Age of $igmar" tag we use is well deserved!