Chaos Space Marines are in the hiz-house! Yes those spiky grumpy losers of the Horus Heresy have got their act together and are heading our way in another Black Crusade - insert dramatic music! There;'s really only two New Releases next week really, the rest are formations that come out of the Traitor's Hate: Black Crusade book. As usual there is a normal version and a deluxe mortgagae the house and kids version (very Chaos when you think of it) coming in at $310 AUD. The awesome release is the new Kharn model, which is really bloody ( cool, but also one of the most expensive character models we've seen for a while. The other miniature release for next week is the Void Shield Generator, no longer resin, but in plastic. It's an incredible looking centrepiece and Omnissiah-ed up! |
Not really a huge week next week, but also interesting to see no new Chaos Space Marines. There's talk of a chosen-style sets for each Chaos Power (Nurgle Death Guard/ Tzeentch Rubic Marines/ Khorne Roid Rage Marines/ Slaanesh Ooooh Baby Baby Marines*) but that's certainly not coming out next week.
Pretty sure Slaanesh will get ignored too...
*Not Actual Marines but an awesome soundtrack when they march to war!!