"Unfortunately, these pre-orders will be slightly delayed in Australia and New Zealand – you’ll be able to pre-order your Norse teams from the 23rd of April"
So while the rest of the world gets Norse Blood Bowl (which frankly does not entice personally), those of us down here who pay a premium on releases, get three books... three books. Surely the premium we pay is to make sure we get these things airfreighted and on time, otherwise what actually are we paying for? Here's an idea: dispatch them a week early - Hell, dispatch them a month early! It's frankly just poor service and especially while fans in this part of the world are STILL waiting for the Tyranid release. Surely Games Workshop don't receive and dispatch goods on the same week. Surely it's sitting in a warehouse waiting for it's release window. Got delayed at sea? Well fly some out, OR still put it on pre-order but tell us it's going to be a while longer. That's okay, we will wait, just give us the opportunity to feel included!

Anyone who saw the original covers for the Bequin series will have to admit they are some of the best covers GW have produced in a very long time. Well on pre-order his week is the Special Edition version of Pariah – Bequin, Book 1, and it's another triumph! Also on pre-order this week is the hardback version of the Sigismund: The Eternal Crusader novel, which I have been told has an appearance by some of the War Hounds Legion! Very cool. And we also have the paperback of Traitor Rock.
Forge World have also come the party with the Yhetee and their champion Skrorg Snowpelt, plus some Norse star players, Thorsson Stoutmead and Ivar Eriksson.