In the never ending search for cool miniatures it's time to head away from the usual and try a company you would have seen around for a while but maybe haven't dived into yet - Ramshackle Games. Ramshackle make a really diverse and interesting bunch of stuff, from fantasy Orcs to post-apocalyptic bikers and soldiers to a bloody cool chess set.
(Use the link above as the webstore is really hard to get around)
You can see from these shots the hand crafted nature of the sculpting... and unfortunately something I'll build on later - the holes in the resin and not the only ones!
The arms do fit very nicely to the bodies once trimmed and the hands do look very natural.
The compact design of these weapons is really nice too and reminds me a bit of the very early Bolters from Games Workshop while still retaining it's own look.
BUT if you like the look of them and can see them in your universe I wouldn't hesitate to get some.
There are a lot of others minis that look great - and to go with their Brothers of Iron range... is a sweet looking armoured car!