The Genestealer release last week was undoubtedly a hit, and this week we get the Biophagus character, the powerful melee fighters the Aberrants with a variety of weapon options and the heavy-hitter the Abominant with the face only a mother could love - little fluff joke there! The Genestealer Cults also get an awesome light vehicle, the Achilles Ridgerunner which has three weapon options - see the pic below for more.
Now with all that, the amount of releases attached to the Carrion Empire game came as a bit of a surprise - not only do you get the large boxed set, enough to start a Flesh-eater Courts army for sure plus some core units for the Skaven, but their Battletomes also got released AND some Endless Spells for both armies. The Skaven Battletome comes in Bigger Than A Cat Limited Edition and Scurry Scurry Standard Edition. The Skaven also get their Endless Spells which includes the iconic Vermintide, Warp Lightning Vortex and the Bell of Doom and the magical Skaven Gnawholes, which are really sizeable pieces of terrain! In terms of troops, nothing new - just a reboxing of the classic Clanrats. There are of course the ubiquitous Skaven-themed Dice and Skaven Warscrolls. Have to say, it is really nice to see Skaven that aren't Clan Pestilens for once. Meanwhile the Flesh-Eater Courts also get their Battletome with the Let Me Suck Your Blood Limited Edition and the Just The Fang Tip Standard Edition. They also get a sizeable terrain piece, this time the Charnel Throne, which if you look at the floor looks like it may have been built on an old Bretonnian building! There's also an Endless Spell set too including the Cadaverous Barricade, the Chalice of Ushoran, and the rather fearsome looking Corpsemare Stampede. Don't forget the all-important Warscroll Cards: Flesh-Eater Courts... important until GW put them on Last Chance To Buy in a week or two!