With Warhammer Visions changing it's format and release schedule we have been left wondering if they will go out with a bang or a whimper. This issue of Warhammer Visions certainly doesn't disappoint, especially if you like Space Marines!! Ultramarines, Alpha Legion, World Eaters, a bevy of First Founding miniatures AND Golden Demon: Space Marine entrants - there's more power armour here than at the Emperor's birthday party! Forge World also gets a decent run, we see a g very handsome Mechanicus force and Blanchitsu has some more awesome miniatures. There's also a Paint Splatter on some of the Stormcloud Attack - but it's not just 40K that gets a run... Age of $igmar doesn't miss out with a really cool Stormcast/ Sylvaneth army plus a Parade Ground focusing on the heroes and villains. With all that content, you'd have to think this was the issue to get - and you're not wrong - but again, some of the production values of Visions lets it down! ++ More After The Jump ++ |
'Eavy Metal and Readers Models also have some really cool models, especially the super-clean super-detailed Overwatch miniatures.