Well wrap me in ceramite and call me 'roid rage - this week's White Dwarf has so much Space Marine fluff you'll end up with service studs in your forehead for all the knowledge you will have gained! If you're a Beardy, so a hobbyist who has been in the hobby for more than 20 years or so, then you will not be struck by the information in this issue. However, if you're relatively new to the Warhammer 40K universe then this issue is for you. Beginner or not, the journey in this issue is quite fun, and really is more of a plug for the Space Marines Apocrypha book released next week. But it's not just a look back, there are a number of new products to highlight including a new boxed set of the airbrush paints, Space Marine psychic cards, five new boxed sets (repacks really) as well as three new Codex supplements and the new Thousand Sons upgrades from Foirge World. The bulk of the issue however (half in fact) is dedicated to Space Marine fluff. ++ More After The Jump ++ |
Only available in store on the day,. this model comes in at the same price of standard characters, $50 AUD, so if you want it, you'd better think about it now and get in early. In Australia you have to buy $270 AUD worth of stuff to get him free though - unlike other countries where it is much cheaper.
The Space Marine Command Company is the old box, but this time with the Captain from Shadow Force Solaq - quite a nice set... apart from that stupid helmet on the Captain!
The Terminator Command, is your standard Terminator boxed set but with the Captain from Strike Force Ultra. A good way to get a great looking character model!
Cultist Assault is 20 Chaos Cultists with an Aspiring Champion leading them. This is a cool set too!
Terminator Lord's Cadre is quite a flexible kit which also allows you to make the Terminator Lord into a Sorcerer and comes with a familiar!
Space Marine Heroes is a really good value set - it's the Space Marine Captain model with the Chaplain from the Reclusiam set and a Space Marine Librarian. Keep in mind that these are single sprues characters, not multi-part sets, so your conversion potential is limited.
In books, Angels of Death (a return to their original nickname) gives you background, force dispositions, Warlord traits, psychic powers and rules for a number of Chapters, plus three new units utilising the Betrayal at Calth miniatures so they can be integrated into the Warhammer 40K universe.
Two new Codex Supplements next week: Black Legion looking at the Warmaster's very own Legion and Crimson Slaughter which takes a look at the once-loyal Crimson Sabres who became the most notorious warband in the universe.
The Air Paint Set is the new air range put into one box, continuing the trend of repacking this week.
Blades of Damocles is Phil Kelly's latest novel which sees a young Sergeant Sicarius take the field.
Looks like Forge World are actually putting in brand new releases for once.
In the Pot of Paint vs. White Dwarf:
White Dwarf - Hell, buy two!