In recent years, Games Workshop have brought out successive plastic kits of these warriors each better than the last. They really got it right when they brought out the Tactical Boxed Set in late 2013. Today's Assault Squad is in the same vein, bringing detailed moulding and new dynamic poses plus some brand new 2015 features including scenic bases and some familiar hybrid armour types.
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In the tradition of recent Space Marine kits, they are pseudo-multipart, that is one leg is complete and attached to the groin and the other is free to pose as you wish.
There are a few nice touches like detailed soles. clean crisp moulding and an unusual variant of one lower legs (below). Haven't seen one like this before.
The standard versions are all different, and if you notice the one on the lower right (above) it is a salute to the plastic backpacks included with the metal Space Marines of the 1990s. It also wouldn't look out of place on a Horus Heresy era Space Marine either!
The jump packs (below) are very similar to the last release, with just a slight change in their construction.
This is really cool! The harnessed torsos have obviously been retooled from the last release and are very clean and crisp looking. The small circular grill in the middle looks great too.
Now there are bent wrists and different arm poses. This is a brilliant change and is a vast improvement.
The new weapon in terms of close combat is the two-handed Chainsword. It's similar to the Forge World one used for their Heresy line, but has a guard for the leading hand. It's a nice looking piece of kit!
Notice they now label them into category... guess it's a beginner's set?!
Is this a good kit? Yes. It is very pretty, much more dynamic and I certainly don't regret buying it.
- BUT -
This kit of 5 Space Marines is $70 AUD - that's $14 each!
I would understand this price for 10 like the Tactical kit, but that is pretty steep in terms of cost!
Sure they are Space Marines and it's nice to have them if you need them for your force, but that's only 1/2 a real squad. Surely $70 for 10 would be fairer.
That being said, this is a nice set and the scenic bases are cool. Let's have more!
If you can cope with the price then embrace it, I'm just not too sure how fair it is considering we only get one set of transfers that are really only usable for one Chapter, have no rank insignia or Imperial Gothic numbers. Somehow that doesn't seem right...