Now here's the even weirder release for next week; when Death Guard were released for Nurgle there was a set called Plague Bretheren. It was a box of three mono-pose minis for pretty much the price of seven minis. It was supposed to be a deluxe set, that literally NO ONE BOUGHT, so it quickly went to Last Chance To Buy. Go and check, it's probably there now. Well, exciting news, those minis are back in different packaging and called Plague Marine Reinforcements. So if you desperately want to get some more Death Guard but would prefer to pay the same price for three minis as you would for seven, then you can go and buy this set... or wait until they're both in Last Chance To Buy.
Books - we have a few - yes Age of $igmar's very own Undead bad girl is back with the new book Neferata: Mortarch of Blood. There's a new audio drama, Souldbound, centred around the Raven Guard and finally the Death Guard themed Lords of SIlence in both standard and beautiful Special Edition.