Outside Blackstone, Kill Team continues with more additions to the Commanders range with Crasker Matterzhek from the Genestealer Cults and Nemesis 9 Tyrantis from the Tyranids. So far all the Xenos names in this range of Kill Team have been on point! Amazing job.
In the world of books, there is of course a Blackstone Fortress novel - it comes in Half-The-Price-Of-The-Game Special Edition and Oh-Look-It's-Just-A-Book Everyone Else Edition. Not to be left out the Stormcast get a new novel, Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid and there's an audio drama, Eight Lamentations: War Claw with some adventurers in some rather unusual outfits - I wonder if this is a look into the future...
Now when one becomes a Rogue Trader, the Imperium gives you sanction to do so - because in reality you really are just a pirate with permission to do stuff and bring stuff back, no matter the mess you make. Well, not this honour is upon you, because with every purchase of Blackstone Fortress from the webstore you could be sent your very own Warrant of Trade. Now personally I would have thought a Warrant of Trade would have been dripping in ribbons, honours, a wax seal - but no, it seems you just need a foil sticker. Who knew? Look, this is a cute idea, but really, if Rogue Trader unfurled one of these in front of the leader of some far-flung world, they may as well be wearing an "... and all i got was this t-shirt". This is pretty naff, especially for such an expensive purchase. You can save over $30 online buying this game from somewhere pother than GW and this certificate cost about 10 cents to make. Not an enticement!