This week we get yet more Primaris Space Marines in the form of the Infiltrators/ Incursors combi-kit - fast moving scouts who... look these have to be the ugliest Primaris yet. Not sure what's happening at GW with the whole design team, but Incursors especially are just awful, lack character and do not fit into the universe. The new Primaris Impulsor transport however, is awesome!! Super pricey, but very cool and rather tempting with it's open back.
It's not just generic Space Marines this week, it's also a good week for Imperial Fists and Salamander players as they both get new Codex supplements.
The Imperial Fists get two versions, the Build It Hard Collectors Edition and Why Is Yellow So Hard To Paint Standard Edition. There's also a character in the form of Tor Garadon (static pose and no alternate parts) and an Imperial Fists Primaris Upgrades and Transfers set. The Salamanders get a similar treatment with to version of the Codex, the Purge with Fire Collect0rs Edition and Scale Cloaks Are SO Now Standard Edition. There's also probably the best Primaris character released so far in the form of Adrax Agatone (static pose and no alternate parts) and a Salamanders Primaris Upgrades and Transfers set. There's also Data Cards for the Imperial Fists and Salamanders, but no dice - which is interesting as the Salamanders ones have leaked on the internet, so they should be coming.
Now if you're a very good customer and order over $223 worth of products through the webstore, you will get - for free - the Combat Doctrine Cards.