First up, full disclosure, we're big fans of Beastmen - the backstory, the miniatures and with the new version of Realms of Chaos soon to be released, this is a good day.
This new force is called the Beasts of Chaos brings not only the traditional Beastmen in, it also collects the Tzaangor and some of the old Chaos Beasts models as well. The Beasts of Chaos Battletome comes in your Scented Back-Fur Limited Edition or your standard Horn 'n' Hoof edition. With not even a different cover to differentiate them, it's another slap in the face for the Old World. In terms of miniatures, there's a great Start Collecting Beasts of Chaos set with a great selection of minis to start with, the new Herdstone and Endless Spells: Beasts of Chaos. It seems like magic is going to be a big part of this army, so you will be needing that Herdstone for sure! There are of course the themed dice and Warscroll Cards - pretty much guaranteed for any Age of $igmar release these days! Although there's no new infantry minis (sadly) the traditional Gors and Ungors (both retooled a few years back from the original plastic versions) plus the Bullgors and Chaos Warhounds. Also in the world of Age of $igmar, the Gutbusters are back - now initially I though this was to be allied with the Beasts of Chaos but maybe not - with the old Ogors set and the Scraplauncher/Ironblaster combi-kit back in stock and on the shelves.
With all this Age of $igmar stuff, Warhammer 40K is also getting some love with the Knight Preceptor Canis Rex Imperial Knight and Imperial Knights Transfer Sheet on pre-order this week. This new Knight kit has all the current versions in the one box, so there will be a lot of spares around... or a spike in magnet sales.
In books, the Shadespire: The Mirrored City novel will be out, plus a new audio drama centred around the little-seen and probably overdue for a colour scheme update Mortifactors Space Marine Chapter versus the brave and heroic Tau, Taker of Heads.
Now... off to pre-order some Beastmen - and certainly not from Australian Games Workshop who have again not delivered a pre-order within a week of ordering it. Well done, idiots!
Going to try Emerald Hobbies (not an endorsement just a fact) this time and see how we go!