The battle line unit box is actually a combi-kit, with the Battle Sisters Squad and the Dominions & Celestians (the specialists/ special forces version) coming out of the same set. With a range of weapon and head options, this kit seems pretty flexible, even if the minis are only multi-part and not truly multi-pose. The Sisters of Battle also have some heavy hitters, with the Retributor Squad toting heavy weapons and some obligatory creepy cherubs. As befits the Adepta Sororitas, there is a massive centrepiece, the Triumph of Saint Katherine, which (like the Mortarch of the Necropolis of the Ossiarch Bonereapers) is a huge multi-mini piece that will be the focal-point of your force. It's a beautiful piece and be really interesting to see what the Community turn this into. As befits the release we will of course have a new Codex, which comes in Rosary and Eagle Collectors Edition and The Nineties Want Their Hair Back Standard Edition, plus their are some rather nice Dice and of course the Datacards. Now if you do pre-order either of the Codex, you will get the Adepta Sororitas Art Print - The Beseechment of Saint Dominica.
Now this made a few hearts skip a beat... next week in books we have a Siege of Terra novella which looks suspiciously like one of the main books. Sons of Selenar (Limited Edition) is by Graham McNeil, so sure to be a big hit. Next week is also White Dwarf week...