You could of course use some of the new generic Primaris Space Marine sets released next week to add to your army, and with the very cool Bladeguard Veterans and heavy-as-frakk Primaris Eradicators, they would be a great addition. Mind you, both of these sets are priced at $30 per model! The Primaris also get what has to be the nicest addition to their armoury so far next week with the Storm Speeder Hailstrike/ Thunderstrike/ Hammerstrike combi-kit, which thankfully breaks the current Primaris rule of 'how boring can this vehicle look?' before it is released! There's also a new set based around the Primaris Ancient - a much wanted mini - Heroes of the Chapter. Don't leave the Necrons out though, they get their own digital wizard in the form of the Psychomancer. The Mechanicus would kill for that floating skull!
In the world of Warhammer Underworlds the Direchasm: Khagra's Ravagers set adds some Chaos Warriors to the game. They're all very characterful and a great addition to any Chaos warband.
In books next week we have Book 2 of the Dawn of Fire series, The Gate of Bones, which comes in Limited Edition of thankfully paperback. There's also a new Warhammer Horror novel, The Deacon of Wounds in hardback and the paperback of Saturnine - The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra Book 4.