Speaking of the League of Votann Codex, here it is - of course available in the Hiding in Plain Sight Collectors' Edition or the Long Lost Cousins Standard Edition. Having the whole range appear at once means a bevvy of new miniatures, so lets dive in with the dynamic Ûthar the Destined/ Kâhl combi-kit. This is a lovely miniature, in fact all versions and packs so much of what the new Leagues of Votann are about all in one mini. This is a must have, and yes, we're a bit obsessed with that power fist! As far as Elites go, the Votann have some good options with the Einhyr Champion and Einhyr Hearthguard bringing heavy armour and melee power, and the Cthonian Beserks doing their best to be the 40K version of Fireslayers, plus the heavy ranged power of the Brôkhyr Thunderkyn who are packing power suits the Imperial Guard would be jealous of! There's also some characters, with Grimnyr, which is again a really beautiful thematic model showing the more "magical" side of the Votann, and Brôkhyr Iron-master with his mini Kastelan Robots.
Need some fast attack? well bring on the Hernkyn Pioneers who have hoverbikes that are very similar to ones that appear in the original Rogue Trader rulebook. Potentially great conversion fodder for Space Marine Scout Squads... The Votann of course need their grunts, and the Hearthkyn Warriors fit that bill nicely. With a variety of weapon and accessory options, they stand out from much of the range in having flexibility for hobbyists. A look at the sprues for the rest of the range shows that the Votann are spread across less sprues and more inline with the new mono-pose aesthetic that Games Workshop seem to be moving towards, sadly. Happily, the Votann do have what looks like a truly great Combat Patrol, which has a strong presence from the range, giving gamers and hobbyists alike a great entry into the faction. There are also two vehicles, the Sagitaur and the beefy Hekaton Land Fortress. Seeing these and the units, it will be interesting to see how they play. Their formations could be compared to Marines in some ways, as are their two vehicles. And as we speak about tabletop, there's also the Votann Datacards and Leagues of Votann Dice Set, in lovely transparent orange! Now if all of this floats your boat and you want to go all-in, then the Leagues of Votann Pre-order Collection is for you. Get absolutely all of it in one big hit!
Away from 40K, fans of the Horus Heresy will be pleased to see a second version of the Predator, this time the Deimos Pattern Predator Support Tank with different weapon options. Not sure if this will be amalgamated into one kit at some point, but for now, this is Predator #2!
In books this week, there is the Eisenhorn: The Omnibus in paperback and the paperback version of The Successors: A Space Marine Anthology.