This week sees the Australasian release of the Norse Blood Bowl Team. The team themselves, the Norsca Rampagers (who we are sure will appear in every Space Wolf army for the next year or so) are here, plus their handsome Team Dice Set and Team Card Pack. Want to play in the land of the ice and snow, well embrace the Norse Double-sided Pitch and Dugouts Set and get some more rules and background in the latest Spike! Journal Issue 14.
In books this week, the saga of the Primaris continues with Dawn of Fire: Throne of Light which comes in Guilliman4Lyfe Special Edition or Spit and Polish Standard Edition. It's not always easy for the Angels of Death, so if you want to read a classic story of best intentions going astray, then the 20th Anniversary Edition of Soul Drinker will be for you. Plus this week sees the latest Gotrek Gurnisson novel, Soulslayer in Hardback.
This week also sees a massive culling of the Underworlds range, so if any of these speak to you, get them while they're hot!