Away from the excess and glory that is Slaanesh and over to a whole different sort of excess - this time an excess of violence and rage! Everyone's favourite skull-collecting red-boys and red-girls from Khorne are also getting their Battletome, with Blades of Khorne coming in Sticky Red Goodness Limited Edition and Spikes for Spike's Sake Standard Edition. Like Slaanesh, Khorne also have a new champion, with the Realmgore Ritualist rocking up. Personally not a fan of this mini at all. It seems thick and chunky, lacking the finer details found on the more recent Khorne miniatures. Too much and too little all at the same time! There are of course the Blades of Khorne Warscroll Cards and Dice Set, plus the new Vanguard: Blades of Khorne. It's interesting to look at this boxed set and see the change in GW's philosophy when it comes to proportions, with these minis seeming cartoonish - which even on release was a criticism we had.
In books this week it's just the one - Warboss for you Ork (and Goblin) fans!
This week we can get the excellent White Scars, Imperial Fists, Iron Warriors, Dark Angels, Sons of Horus and the Emperor's Children. The White Scars and the Dark Angels were probably the most recent ones made in the previous releases, so it's interesting to see them in the first wave this time.