This post is to share, and hopefully also hear from you about what you're working on or WANT to work on so we can encourage each other - as a community!
In the spirit of giving, we'll go first....
Obviously first and foremost is the XIIth Legion War Hound Project. We've been working on this since 2014 and have really been building it now that we have a unified look and feel. It's also really nice to see others in the Community using our experience to make their own War Hounds forces too. Thing is - this is an ongoing thing and could really go forever, so that's okay, we can come back and forward to this one. Tau - something we've been working on since Armies on Parade a few years ago. Making a force to actually game with would be awesome, but the minis are fiddly to paint and getting a colour scheme we're 100% happy with has been a challenge, despite the ever increasing number of completed minis. Mechanicum - this is definitely on the list. A large Mechanicum force with Thallax and lots of other arcane pieces of gear. We've got the Forge World book, and they are a very different force, both fluff and organisation-wise to the Imperium. It takes a while to get your head around it, so it's been a tad confusing. At the moment everything is based around Legio Balista, our own DIY Titan Order, but Mechanicum also have forces outside Titan Orders, so this gives so scope for different stuff. The Fallen - the Loyal Dark Angels. We have a squad of these now, but is making more than a squad necessary? Maybe that will do for now... And the DIY 40k urban warfare Space Marines are gathering dust (though we have some bits on the way for them), and the Rogue Trader retinue...! Solar Auxilia - now these are awesome minis. We don't know much about them, but already an idea is germinating for a ship boarding party in dirty greys and whites. The minis with axes are super fluffy and if you've every seen the ship to ship boarding in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes anime, then you know what we are going for! Again, the lack of a solid idea for colours is hampering this one. Dark Eldar - god these minis are great, but are we brave enough to do anything other than black? There's some amazing forces out there, but getting a unified look is challenging. It's the same for Necrons. Every since reading Gathering Storm the Necrons have seemed very cool, but the metallic look seems kind of naff, so a different look is needed, but what? Then there's DIY Imperial Guard units with all those cool after market heads and weapons...! The Reptilian Overlords bitz are screaming out for us to do a Cobra Command Guard army. Of course there is Age of $igmar too, with Tzaangor that need doing and of course the much beloved Beastmen, the Dryads, Dark Elves which we did a cool white test model years ago, our mercenary Chaos Warriors and the Undead PLUS the Daughters of Khaine and soon there will be Slaanesh to do too. Then of course there is Necromunda - our Merchant Guild Enforcers came up really well and with GW now bringing out other Guild forces, this could get very interesting! Do there need to be more minis? See? It just piles up - in a good way. Is your list like this? What have you got on the table and what do you really want to do? Maybe something really excites you and you've got a great idea you want to share! - As you can see we're in the same boat as you (and this is just the Games Workshop stuff!!), so let us know how you're going, maybe what's on your table, or what's really tempting you... | |