As you know, Magnus the Red and his Tzeentch followers are currently attacking Fenris, homeworld of the Space Wolves Space Marine Chapter.
Part of his attack is to send some of his demons through the magma that runs under the surface of Fenris and then breech the Space Wolves fortress, The Fang, which is built in a dormant volcano. Supposedly Magnus' most powerful sorcerers will be among the demons, taking the fight to the very heart of The Fang.
On the surface this is all very straight forward, but we were reading through some old material last week and found this from William King's Space Wolf novel...
"In the mythology of the primitive inhabitants of Fenris, "Sla Nahesh" is an evil deity, described as the offspring of the dark god Horus and the dragon goddess Skrinneir, and is imprisoned within one of the planet's volcanic islands after being defeated by Leman Russ.
(Text Via Lexicanium)
Is Magnus' plan not vengeance (as Phil Kelly did say in the Developers' video) but actually to raise Slaanesh from the largest volcanic island (now dormant) The Fang by sending his Sorcerers in underneath?
If Slaanesh is then raised, he/she would call their forces from the Warp and all Hell would descend on Fenris. Considering the Developers themselves said this wasn't about revenge per se, maybe there is a grander plan - and was this all pointed to earlier in the year when the Harlequins and Eldrad were released? It was back in August, but it rings with all kinds of event happening right now!
"The Stolen Seers, Amassed, Gather unto them the Dead.
Legion, they drift within the sands, Their voices raised as one."
++ Could this be the Thousand Sons - Seers/ drifting sands++
"Their Voices Raised As One"
++ their voices raised as one could be Magnus' call to even those who betrayed him to come to his call ++
"One shall walk the forked path, a threefold truth to weave the skein
Nemesis of She Who Thirsts, Opener of the Seventh Way."
++ Tzeethc AND Slaanesh!!++
"Long Dead souls gather behind"
++ Thousand Sons??++
"The rebirth of Ancient Days, Drinking, but not consuming
Taking in, but giving new life."
++ Slaanesh drinking souls but not consuming - the Legions of Slaanesh? ++
"Like Ghouls in the Dark, the wicked ones gather, drawn to a Tragedy Unfolding."
++ Could this be other Chaos powers joining in or maybe Dark Eldar? ++
It certainly seems like more than a few things could be pointing to it. Slaanesh held in the bowels of The Fang this whole time and now Magnus knows and sees an opening to bring fire to the whole Imperium!